Day 22 included more breakfast.

When Santa arrived and started making his way around the tables, Bastian watched in feverish anticipation.

After breakfast, was time for the staged photo and detailing of lists (both wish and naughty/nice b.s.). The kids look ever-so-thrilled.

Then they got down to brass tacks. Aleks requested a microscope and Bastian asked for all things Dora and Diego.

Then I tried for one last shot. Ahem.

Then it was off to the workshop to build a toy. We went through an ice cave first. Bastian liked the Grinch. He's been sleeping with a plush version since Thanksgiving when his Aunt Teresa brought him one for the holidays. Every night, he cuddles up in his Hanna Andersson Christmas PJs and matching slippers and holds his Grinch doll. It's very very cute.

The place was all sorts of decked out. It was ridiculous.

I had wondered about the wood toy business beforehand. It was way more involved than I could have expected. The boys got to use power tools. Aleks made a shark and Bastian made a castle. They're actually fairly well crafted. I'm not sure how much use the shark will be. I tried to talk him into doing the pirate ship. I guess since we already have three wooden pirate ships, that idea wasn't terribly appealing.

Afterward, we went to explore the farmpark. We pet the cows, one of whom headbutted Bastian when he climbed up to reach her. She didn't want him in the way of her eating lunch, I guess.

Then it was pony rides!

And these little piggies...

And a little lamb...

Afterward, we headed to Snowdrop's Adventure Game and then to our friend Mari's, where we made elven things out of nature bits.
That's pretty cool. I wish there was something like that here. I loved the Christmas village the local mall put on when I was a kid.
Wow. I'm pretty impressed with this place. What a fun opportunity to make wooden toys, using real tools and with real elves to assist you! (Wait, scratch that last part, I got a bit carried away!) Looks like fun.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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