Sunday, April 19, 2009


The weather has begun to break and Spring feels officially in the air. Our seedlings got to spend some time out of doors, soaking up the sun.Casting long shadows in the late afternoon light...
Bastian suited up to help out with the garden Papa and the neighbors are putting together. The house next to us has a bit of backyard, with space beside the garage big enough for diggin' up a couple hundred square feet for all the wonderful foods we wish to grow and eat. A collective agreement was met and Jon, Chris, and Brad have been spending afternoons listening to Indians games on the radio, digging and prepping, getting ready to sow.
Bastian uses a trowel to break up clods of dirt and uncover treasures like tile pieces and old marbles long buried.
Sifting compost.
Giant worms in the compost heap! We are feeding them too well because this thing was so big, it was gross.

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