Sunday, August 24, 2008

Makin' Pie

Jon suggested we make pies to get through all our fruit from City Fresh extras, so I set out to make an apple pie totally from scratch. I'd seen my mother make pie crusts and had helped in the past, but never appreciated the entire process and its idiosyncrasies. Making pastry is weird. Anna visited for dinner and helped Aleks make the filling. First they chopped up all the apples. Anna pealed them and Aleks cut them into smaller pieces. Then he and Bastian took turns dumping ingredients into the mixing bowl and helping Anna stir.
Meanwhile, I made the crust very carefully according to the instructions in Joy of Cooking. I even added an apple design to top it off. The pie was delicious!

authors note - I realized that I am constantly talking of this Anna lady while I myself am an Anna. I'm not sure if that's confusing or not, but the Anna in the above picture is not me. That's my good friend, Anna, whose children are good friends with Aleks and Bastian. We both just happen to unschool, homebirth, knit, gossip endlessly, like movies, love Harry Potter, breastfeed half our lives, and are named Anna. We're the Annas. Just so you know.


Anonymous said...

mmmm looks really good. Wish i have a scoop of vanilla bean with it.


Kim C in NC said...

I'm so glad that you clarified the "Anna" thing! I couldn't figure out what was going on. I thought that maybe Jon was writing some of the entries, or that you had taken to speaking of yourself in the third person. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hello and that I saw your thread on MDC about RU and I mean to reply but between MDC loading really inconsistently for me and the kids needing me for this or that I'm having a hard time getting to it! Looks like it's been a good conversation though.

Anna said...

Anna I think you should start referring to yourself in the third person, just so you can continue to confuse people now that you've cleared up the Mystery Anna problem. Also, that pie kicked ass, you all should be jealous you didn't get any.