Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumnal Texture

Part of creating an ideal childhood is embedding the surroundings with the right textures which suggest an ambient calm and peace which instills the child with appropriately joyful and loving memories. This of course leads to an adult child who is balanced, well-adjusted, compassionate, kind, and who seeks out work that is meaningful and which benefits all sentient life. The materials used to do so must be from nature and exhibited in muted but bright and sunny colors. Thus, I place flowers which we grow in our garden and apples from the farm in glass and handmade ceramic containers on the table at which my children eat and strew boxed macaroni and cheese and bits of filth and goo and drop all manner of edibles beneath for the ants to eat.
It gives me something to meditate on so I don't wring their precious necks when they've been screeching for too long.


mel said...


absolutely freakin' marvelous.

*wipes tear*

Sarah said...

Um, that is amazing :D