Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Playing Catch-Up: City Fresh

I haven't posted in more than a month, for which I am very very sorry. Truly. We've been so busy that I haven't even been taking photos of much and am hardly sure where to begin. For one, however, we've been continuing diligently each and every Tuesday to participate in City Fresh, our CSA that we volunteer for. I'm now the Volunteer Coordinator, so I organize these fools: Aleks painted these rocks with me last year to have something to hold our literature down with.
Kohlrabi. We had a lot of it this year. The kids liked it okay raw, and last year we made a slaw with it that did not turn out so great, but I hear it's good cooked. Due to being in and out of town all month, however, we didn't make it through it all and some got fed to the compost heap.
Fancy berries are fancy.
And really quite spectacularly large.

The maple syrup comes in honey jars because they are cheaper than syrup jars.

The candied striped beets made a delicious beet cake, which I made at a potluck so the children had none. They did however have regular red beet cupcakes, which they gobbled up in fistfulls. The buttercream frosting helped, but I think ultimately I really liked candy-striped cake with the hot chocolate syrup poured on top and dusted with powdered sugar better. I'll never have enough folks to feed these desserts to, however. I need more friends who need feeding and less who also get City Fresh. Hrm...
Jon dared to take a million children to Tommy's for ice cream while their parents worked. I was thoroughly impressed.
Later that night at dinner, we discovered Anthony had been writing the vegetable counts on his hand during distribution and thought it hilarious. It's totally an inside joke, I suppose.
*This post is dated June 30th, but was written August 8th because I am lame and because the events recorded here actually took place on June 29th. I apologize.

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