Monday, February 22, 2010

Playing Hooky

I've mentioned the sinus infection, yes? I believe so. I'm a big whiner. Aleks has speech therapy every Thursday and I decided that due to the fact that my face hurt and that Papa had taken the car, that we would forgo making the trip.

Later in the evening, however, I started to feel better, as though I was turning the corner on the illness, and I didn't get dinner together, so we decided to venture out for Mexican food at Mi Pueblo, which is an excellent little dive. Little did I know that everyone from the place at which Aleks has speech therapy would be dining in this same establishment. We were careful to avoid their gazes and managed to miss a confrontation (not that we'd get in trouble, but who wants to bother?).

Aleks has been supremely moody lately, but we got him to chill by making a face out of a tortilla. Note the ipod on the table, which held book 5 of Harry Potter. Aleks carries it everywhere.Bastian calmly did mazes out of his maze book.


Rachel said...

I would expect nothing less than a Harry Potter obsession from any child of yours. :) We are reading it (the kids didn't like hearing it by CD, I think because we couldn't stop it often enough for questions, repeats, etc), and we are also in Book 5, although I am guessing we are moving a lot more slowly than Aleks! They'll have lots to discuss regarding Harry Potter when we see you. (!)

anna kiss said...

I'm kind of glad that he's obsessed. It's fun. He woke me up this morning demanding that I load book 7 onto the ipod.

I can't wait for Chicago!