Sunday, July 12, 2009

Visit to Great-Baba's to see Gedo

Jon's dad was in the state, which meant near-ish, so we trekked over to see him at Baba's (Jon's grandmother's) house. As always, there was too much food. We hung out in the garage while Gedo grilled. Natalie (my sister, visiting while passing time after having just graduated from college but before heading to Kosovo) came with us. She's a linguist with a focus on Slavic languages and got to listen to Baba and Gedo speak Ukranian. Apparently she found it nearly indistinguishable from Russian, though there were slight differences. Bastian didn't much care. Jon checked out Baba's garden. He's becoming quite the bio/agrophile.
Aleks learned how to golf.
Then we did family photos before leaving. Jon doesn't look too thrilled and my lens was smudged, but whatever.
Jon's dad is on the left. All the men in their family look exactly the same, so I always make jokes about knowing what my sons will look like at 18, 30, 50, and 80. I know what my husband will look like too, though the beard may disguise it a bit.
It was a relaxed visit. Aleks drew lots of pictures for everyone and Jon's uncle Nick stopped by briefly. It's been awhile since anyone's seen the boys. We were just there at Christmas, but only saw Jon's Uncle Sam and his wife and their children. It's a rather large family.

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