Friday, March 5, 2010

Another Busy Day

Aleks had a dentist appointment. I like our new pediatric dentist. He's good. And efficient. His office looks out onto a small wood, which looked nice in the bright sunshine with the carpet of snow between bare trunks. In the sunlight, at least, winter looks okay.Aleks of course had his Harry Potter going. Then we were off to meet a friend at the zoo.
The Rainforest building at the zoo is two stories tall. One option for getting to the second story is to climb through a treehouse. It has a nice spiral staircase inside.

The tropical birds were out in plain view today. These are Scarlet Ibis.
This is a Roseate Spoonbill.
I am really quite fond of the world's largest rodent (not technically Morgan Sterns execs, as my friend suggested), the capybara.

For some reason, every time we go to the Rainforest, my camera battery dies. Which it then did. Right after the Capybara.

We saw the orangutans, the otter, the Francois monkeys, the leaf gecko (still stuck to the glass of his aquarium), the giant python, the dwarf crocodile, the Gharial , the Red-Flanked Duikers, the porcupines and the exhibit explaining the destruction of the rainforests. Aleks wasn't feeling well and Bastian ran off several times, so we did not stay long, though.

Back at home, we made vegetable soup for dinner, which we ate with some of the organic artisan bread from the West Side Market. Then we made dragon eggs and sewed a cape for a birthday party on Saturday.

1 comment: said...

Just wanted to say that I loved your points on OhMommy's post regarding unschooling/homeschooling/public school/etc.

So... Hello!