It's been snowing for days and days. It's still snowing, from what I can see out the window from my computer in the living room. We went out in it to shovel the walk and put down salt. Well, I just carried the salt from the car and dressed Bastian for inclement weather. Jon did the shoveling. Bastian followed him around. Kids are kinda weird. This is the sort of thing that Bastian does ALL THE TIME. I don't have any idea what he's saying it's like in the end. I did get he said it was a moon at first...
Hello, came across your blog after randomly googling images of Harry Potter parties (yours looked great, btw). Just wanted to let you know that your boys are adorable, and you seem really committed to raising them to be openminded and adventurous adults. Kudos.
bwahaha was Bastian making craters?
Why didn't Aleks come out?
He did eventually, but I went in. It was cold, lol...
Hello, came across your blog after randomly googling images of Harry Potter parties (yours looked great, btw). Just wanted to let you know that your boys are adorable, and you seem really committed to raising them to be openminded and adventurous adults. Kudos.
-Lindsey (Colubmus, OH)
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