Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1st

Since I knew what was coming, I waited to start the Countdown to make a trip to the craft store for transparent paper. Since I had so many other things to do today, this did not happen until late in the evening. Alas, the craft store did not have transparent paper, so I got metallic paper instead.

Aleks took care to open the envelope...which said...
"Cut out snowflakes to stick on the windows."
I had wanted to make them like these, hence the transparency paper. Maybe I can get the transparency kit for next year. The boys still have trouble cutting so small and fine with scissors, but eventually we'll get there. I did most of the cutting, though they certainly stuck around and gave it a few shots. Then they wrestled on the couch.
Aleks hung up the snowflakes, but I'll have to photograph them tomorrow, when there's light. In the meantime, our coffee table is covered in bits of sparkly paper.

Here are a few of our flakes on the door.

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